Some of our staff members have been going to conventions since the seventies and eighties. We have seen our fair share of cosplay, (even before it was called "cosplay") of every type; The Good, The Bad And The Ugly!

Cosplay Classics is all about celebrating the costumes that really stand alone, in both design and execution. Whenever possible, we will post a new photo and give you a bit of information about the latest entry. But, in all fairness, many cosplayers choose to keep their real names to themselves, while representing their characters. They are, for all intents and purposes, the characters of their dreams for that brief amount of time... And we love it (and them)!

So, stop by for a looksee, now and then, buckle yourselves in and get ready to discover just how talented die-hard genre fans can be.

These are true Cosplay Classics.

[If you'd like to nominate anyone for future inclusion here, send a pic and any pertinent info to: and we will be happy to consider it.]


This couple sure knows how to get their Tim Burton on. Inspired by the film The Corpse Bride, this was taken at a photo shoot way back in 2020.

Rebekah McDonald at Monsterama,  wearing the Moonbase Operative costume from Gerry Anderson's TV series, UFO.


All we know about this awesome Predator is that it's from the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con.



Someone definably stitched Sally up the right way. From A Nightmare Before Christmas. 

Whoever this Jason is, he spent a lifetime watching F13 movies. The coloring on this mask (skipping the usual off-white) is truly a thing of beauty.


Great cosplay! I guess you could say that They Live for Hooters!


Some truly beautiful work by a pair of guys who realize that it don't mean a Thing, if you ain't got that swing.




Serial Mom serves up just desserts at Spooky Empire's Mayhem 2023 in Orlando

On the left is a photo of two cosplayers with a mutual love of Star Wars, standing with a convention goer who asked for a picture with them. The Storm Trooper's real name is Jamie. A few feet away from him stands a Jawa. Her real name is Ashley. (They DO NOT know each other in this pic.) At the time, Ashley was unavailable; she was in a relationship. A bit later, through no fault of her own, Ashley found herself considerably less unavailable. And a relatively short time later, in the whole scheme of things, this Storm Trooper and Jawa found each other, and they have now been married for eight years, give or take. Again, look at the pic. It's Jamie and Ashley BEFORE there was a Jamie AND Ashley. If you ever needed proof that some people were meant to be together, here ya go. Save this pic so you never have to question the Cosmos again. (The photo on the right is the couple today.)

We couldn't have made a better choice to start off with. This "Carrie" is just genius! We don't know who this is but she obviously put in the time needed to design and execute the perfect costume. (BTW, it's nice to finally see Freddy and Jason getting along so well, in the background.)


As little as we knew about last week's entry, we know even less about this one. Let's just say that if we run into this Babadook in a dark alley... Well, let's just hope we don't!
